Monday, 25 March 2013

Comfort food

Finally! I'm painting again! It feels like such a long time since I've done anything, I honestly didn't know if I could still do it. It's crazy how quickly your confidence (what confidence?) can disappear when you do nothing for a while (and you see all your talented twitter artist friends doing so much incredible work!). 
I've been (and still am) poorly - big cold and I also need new art supplies. I only have a few tubes of paint left and they're not the same brand so when mixing you have yakky unwanted surprises. 
Anyway, here are today's paintings. Comfort food = Comfort paintings!


  1. I love them all - yum yum! It makes me want a slice of pie! xxx

  2. they are SO good! hope you're feeling better from your cold x

  3. Beautiful! Hope you feel better soon too :) x

  4. These look delicious, cannot get over how talented you are!


  5. Thank you so much for the lovely words, I'm starting to feel better!

  6. Stumbled across your blog from your proper website and I've got say I'm a huge fan of your work, so vibrant and delicate, so beautiful :D xx
